How to choose the Right Cat Bed? - Michu Australia

How to choose the Right Cat Bed?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on from Michu How to the Right Cat Bed. This guide is dedicated to all cat owners who want to enhance their pet's comfort and health by selecting the perfect bed. The choice of a cat bed is more significant than one might assume at first glance. It isn't just about picking a cozy spot for your cat to sleep; it's about understanding your cat's needs and ensuring their well-being.

Cats spend a large portion of their day sleeping, so the right bed isn't just a luxury it's a crucial element of their health and happiness. This guide aims to equip you with all the necessary information and tips to make a well-informed decision. By the end of this guide, you'll understand the different types of cat beds available, what to consider before making a purchase, and how to determine which bed will best suit your furry friend's needs.

Understanding Cat Behavior and Preferences

Cats are creatures of comfort and instinct, and their sleeping habits are deeply ingrained in their behavior. A significant aspect of typical cat behavior related to sleep involves their natural inclination to seek warmth and security. This behavior can be traced back to their wild ancestors, who needed to find safe, concealed locations to rest without threat from predators.

  • Seeking Warmth: Cats have a higher thermoneutral zone than humans, meaning they prefer environments that are warmer. Their ideal temperature range for comfort is between 86°F to 97°F (30°C to 36°C), which is why you often find them basking in sunny spots or curled up in warm blankets. When choosing a cat bed, considering materials that retain heat, like fleece or thermal fabric, can cater to this preference, providing a cozy, warm environment that they are naturally drawn to.
  • Seeking Security: Cats also seek places that offer physical security. Their preference for small, enclosed spaces is an evolutionary trait that provides a sense of safety while resting. This is why many cats prefer beds with raised edges or even covered cat bed that mimic a den-like environment. Understanding this behavior can guide you in selecting a bed that not only comforts them but also gives them a sense of security and privacy.

By aligning the bed choice with these natural behaviors and preferences, you can ensure that the bed will be one that your cat will love and use. Beds that cater to their instinctual needs for warmth and security are more likely to be accepted and cherished by your cat, thus supporting their overall well-being and happiness.

Science Behind Cat Comfort

Understanding the scientific basis for ensuring your cat has a comfortable bed can significantly enhance your pet's well-being. Here are some key points:

  • Muscle Relaxation and Comfort: Just like humans, cats need a comfortable place that supports proper body alignment to prevent muscle strain. Beds designed to fit a cat's body shape can help maintain proper posture during sleep, reducing the potential for discomfort or pain​
  • Stress Reduction and Security: Cats are naturally inclined to seek secure, cozy environments, reminiscent of their instinctual needs for safety from predators. Enclosed or semi-enclosed beds that mimic small, den-like spaces can provide psychological comfort and reduce anxiety, making them ideal for shy or nervous cats​.
  • Preference and Behavior: Observing your cat's sleeping patterns and preferences is crucial. Some cats may prefer open beds to stretch out, while others might like snug spaces where they can curl up. The choice of material, such as warm fleece or soft cushions, also plays a significant role in how appealing a bed is to a cat​ ​. For instance, the Michu Round Cushion bed not only helps in keeping your home clean by trapping litter from your cat's paws but also provides a soft, non-slip surface that can double as a comfortable resting spot for your feline friend. 

For reliable and comprehensive information on ensuring your cat has a comfortable bed and understanding the scientific basis for it, you can refer to the General Cat Care guide by ASPCA. This source provides detailed tips and guidelines on various aspects of cat care, including bedding, feeding, grooming, and overall well-being.

Materials and Safety in cat bed

Choosing the right materials for Cat bed is crucial not only for comfort but also for safety and health. Here's a scientific breakdown of common materials used in cat bed and their suitability based on cat behavior and preferences:

  • Fleece: Fleece is a popular choice for cat bed due to its soft texture and excellent heat retention properties. Scientifically, fleece is beneficial because it provides warmth without overheating, making it ideal for cats that seek cozy, warm places to rest. Fleece is also generally safe as it does not fray easily, which reduces the risk of ingestion of loose threads by cats.
  • Memory Foam: Memory foam is often used in orthopedic cat bed because it molds to the cat's body, providing optimal support and reducing pressure on joints and muscles. This is particularly beneficial for older cats or those with arthritis. The material helps in evenly distributing the cat's weight, which scientifically alleviates discomfort and promotes better sleep​.
  • Polyester and Cotton Blends: These materials are commonly used for their durability and ease of cleaning. From a safety perspective, polyester and cotton are non-toxic and generally safe for pets. However, they do not offer the same level of warmth as fleece, making them more suitable for cats in warmer climates or for summer months. For instance, the Michu Comfort Cat Bed, with its cozy hollow cotton filling, is an excellent choice for maintaining a comfortable sleeping environment for your cat while ensuring durability and ease of maintenance.
  • Non-Toxic, Pet-Safe Materials: It's crucial to choose cat bed made from non-toxic materials. Cats might chew or lick their beds, and ingesting harmful chemicals can lead to serious health issues. Scientifically, materials certified as pet-safe ensure that they do not contain chemicals or dyes that could be harmful to your cat's health.

Safety Features to Look For

  • Chew-Resistant Features: For electric heated beds, it's essential to look for chew-resistant cords. Cats might chew on cords, which poses a risk of electric shock or ingestion of plastic. Chew-resistant cords are typically encased in a sturdy, often metallic material that prevents cats from breaking through the protective layer.
  • Stable Design and Non-Slip Bottoms: Beds should have a stable design to prevent tipping over when the cat enters or exits. A non-slip bottom is also essential, especially on smooth floors, to ensure the bed stays in place. This prevents accidents and ensures the cat feels secure in their bed.
  • Washability and Removable Covers: Easily washable beds with removable covers are essential for maintaining hygiene. Accumulation of dander and allergens can be minimized with regular washing, which is crucial for both pet and human health. This feature, while simple, contributes significantly to the overall safety and cleanliness of the living environment​ ​.

These material choices and safety features align with a deep understanding of cat behavior and preferences, ensuring that the bed is not only comfortable but also safe and suitable for long-term use.

Size and Placement

Choosing the Right Size Bed for Your Cat

When selecting the right size bed for your cat, consider a few key factors:

  • Cat's Size and Weight: Measure your cat from nose to tail and add a few inches to determine the ideal bed length and width. This ensures they can stretch out comfortably without hanging off the bed. For weight, make sure the bed can support your cat without sinking too much, which could make it hard for them to get in and out.
  • Cat's Behavior and Preferences: If your cat likes curling up, a smaller, rounder bed might be ideal. For cats that prefer stretching out, a larger, more open bed is better. Observe how your cat sleeps and choose a shape that matches their preferred style.

Tips on Placement of the Cat Bed

  • Warm and Quiet Locations: Cats love warmth and quiet. Placing the bed in a sunny spot during the day or in a room that stays warm can make the bed more enticing. Avoid noisy areas like near a washing machine or heavy traffic areas to keep the bed as a peaceful retreat.
  • Safe and Elevated Spots: Some cats feel safer in elevated spots. Consider placing the bed on a sturdy shelf or a piece of furniture that provides a good view and is away from household hustle and bustle. This satisfies their instinct to watch their environment from a secure vantage point.
  • Familiar Territory: Place the bed in an area where your cat already spends a lot of time. Cats prefer familiarity, so putting a new bed in a favored spot can help them adjust to it quicker.

By considering these factors, you'll ensure that the bed is not only comfortable but also used and loved by your cat.

Maintenance and Hygiene of cat bed

Guidelines for Cleaning and Maintaining cat bed:

  • Regular Washing: Most cat bed come with removable covers that are machine washable. It’s important to wash the bed and its cover at least once every two weeks to remove dirt, fur, and potential allergens. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid damaging the bed.
  • Spot Cleaning: For small messes or if the bed isn't fully washable, spot cleaning with a pet-safe detergent can help maintain cleanliness between washes. Use a damp cloth to blot out stains rather than rubbing, which can work the stain deeper into the fabric.
  • Vacuuming: Regularly vacuuming the cat bed can help remove hair, dirt, and dust. This is especially important for beds that aren’t easily washable or for quick clean-ups between washes.
  • Deodorizing: Sprinkling baking soda on the bed, letting it sit for about 15 minutes, and then vacuuming it off can help neutralize odors. Make sure the bed is completely dry before applying baking soda.
  • Check for Damage: Regularly inspect the bed for signs of wear and tear. Loose threads or torn sections might not only reduce the bed's comfort but could also pose a choking hazard if your cat likes to chew.

Importance of Hygiene for Cat Health and Comfort:

  • Prevent Flea Infestations: Keeping the bed clean helps prevent fleas and other pests from making a home there. Fleas can cause discomfort and health problems for your cat, so a clean bed is a deterrent.
  • Reduce Allergens: Regular cleaning of the cat bed helps control dander and other allergens that can affect both your pet and anyone in the home with allergies.
  • Promote Overall Health: A clean bed is essential for your cat’s overall health. Cats are clean animals by nature, and a dirty bed could stress them out or lead them to avoid using it altogether.

Maintaining the cleanliness of your cat’s bed not only ensures a comfortable sleeping area but also contributes to their overall health and wellbeing.

How to Choose the Right Cat Bed

Choosing the right cat bed involves considering various scientific aspects that cater to the natural instincts and physical needs of cats. Here’s a scientific breakdown of how to select an ideal cat bed:

Comfort and Material:

  • Thermal Comfort: Cats have a higher thermoneutral zone than humans, typically between 30°C to 38°C, where they don't need to expend energy to stay warm or cool down. Materials that help maintain this temperature range can significantly enhance comfort.
  • Texture Preferences: Research indicates that cats have preferences for certain textures that may mimic their natural environments or the tactile experience of their mother's fur during kittenhood. This can explain the preference for soft, plush materials.

Size and Shape:

  • Enclosed Spaces and Stress Reduction: According to studies, enclosed spaces can help reduce stress in cats. A study involving hiding boxes for shelter cats showed decreased stress levels, suggesting that similar features in cat bed could provide psychological benefits.
  • Natural Instincts: The preference for enclosed spaces is also linked to the cat's instinctual need to hide from predators and stalk prey, illustrating why cave-like beds can be particularly appealing.

Location and Placement:

  • Vertical Space: Cats are arboreal by nature; their ancestors lived in environments where height provided safety and hunting advantages. Beds placed in elevated locations can cater to this preference, making cats feel secure and in control.
  • Quietness and Stress: Cats' acute hearing makes them sensitive to noise, which can be stress-inducing. Placing beds in quieter areas can help reduce anxiety and promote rest.

Scent and Familiarity:

  • Territorial Marking: Cats use scent as a way to mark territory. A bed that smells like them can reinforce this sense of territory and security.
  • Scent Glands: Cats have scent glands in their cheeks and paws. When they rub against or knead their beds, they are marking them with their scent, which is comforting and creates a sense of ownership.

Ease of Cleaning:

  • Health Implications: A clean bed is essential for preventing dermatological issues and controlling allergens. Cats clean themselves to reduce odors that might attract predators, so a clean bed is essential for their sense of safety and well-being.
  • Material Considerations: Choosing materials that resist harboring dander and parasites is critical, as these can cause health issues and discomfort.

Durability and Safety:

  • Material Safety: Some materials can be toxic or harmful if ingested. It's important to select beds made from materials that are safe for cats, especially since they might chew or ingest parts of their beds.
  • Behavioral Considerations: Durability is also important because cats often use their beds for activities other than sleeping, like play and clawing, which are natural behaviors for maintaining claw health and marking territory.

Each of these aspects underscores the importance of considering a cat's physiological and psychological needs when selecting a cat bed, ensuring it's not only comfortable but also contributes to their overall health and happiness.

How to Introduce a Cat to a New Bed

Introducing a cat to a new bed requires a blend of patience and practical techniques to ensure that the cat feels comfortable and accepts the new sleeping area. Here’s a practical guide to help you introduce a cat to a new bed:

1. Choose the Right Placement

  • Start by placing the new bed in a location where your cat already likes to spend time. This could be in a quiet corner of a favorite room or near a sunny window. Cats are more likely to use a bed placed in an area they consider safe and comfortable.

2. Introduce Familiar Scents

  • Cats rely heavily on scent to feel secure. You can help make the new bed more inviting by adding familiar scents. Place a blanket or a piece of your clothing that carries your scent, or even better, rub a soft cloth over your cat and then on the bed to transfer their scent onto it. This helps the cat to recognize the bed as part of their territory.

3. Encourage Exploration

  • Encourage your cat to explore the new bed by using positive reinforcements. You can place treats or catnip on and around the bed, or gently place them into the bed while offering kind words and affection. However, make sure to give them space and time to approach the bed on their terms; cats can be put off by too much pressure.

4. Provide Privacy

  • Cats appreciate privacy, especially in a new or altered environment. Try placing the bed in a more secluded part of your home where your cat can relax without much disturbance. If the bed is enclosed, like a cat cave, this can be particularly appealing.

5. Observe and Adjust

  • Keep an eye on how your cat interacts with the new bed. If you notice that they are avoiding it, consider adjusting its location. Sometimes moving the bed to a quieter or more secure area can make a big difference. Also, ensure the bed is away from noisy appliances or high-traffic areas.

6. Keep It Clean

  • Maintain the cleanliness of the bed to make it appealing. Cats are clean animals and are more likely to use a clean bed. Washing the bed according to the manufacturer's instructions can remove any off-putting smells and keep it fresh.

7. Be Patient

  • Some cats might jump right into a new bed and embrace it immediately, while others may take days or even weeks. Keep encouraging them with treats and positive reinforcement, but let them take their time to get accustomed to it.

Using these practical steps, you can help your cat to gradually accept and enjoy their new bed, turning it into their favorite spot for relaxation and sleep.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When introducing a cat to a new bed, there are several common mistakes that can hinder the process. Understanding these mistakes and knowing why they should be avoided can help ensure a smoother transition for your cat. Here’s a breakdown of common mistakes and their justifications based on cat behavior science:

1. Forcing the Cat into the Bed

  • Justification: Cats are naturally curious and prefer to explore new things at their own pace. Forcing a cat into a new bed can create a negative association with it. Research in animal behavior consistently shows that positive reinforcement is more effective than force in influencing pet behavior.

2. Ignoring the Importance of Location

  • Justification: Cats are territorial and sensitive to their environment. Placing a new bed in a high-traffic area or near a noisy appliance can make the bed less appealing. Cats prefer quiet and secure locations to rest, as their natural instinct is to find a spot that offers safety and a good vantage point.

3. Neglecting to Add Familiar Scents

  • Justification: Scent is a critical factor in a cat’s environment. Cats use scent to mark their territory and feel secure. A new item without familiar scents can seem alien and unwelcoming. Studies have shown that cats are more likely to use beds that smell like themselves or their owners.

4. Choosing the Wrong Bed Type

  • Justification: Not all cats have the same preferences for beds. Some prefer open beds, while others like enclosed spaces. Observing your cat’s previous sleeping patterns can provide clues to their preferences. For example, cats that sleep in hidden spots might prefer a cave-like bed for its sense of security.

5. Lack of Patience

  • Justification: Cats need time to adjust to new things. Being impatient and frequently changing the bed’s location or style can confuse the cat and delay acceptance. Consistency is key in helping them adapt.

6. Inadequate Cleaning

  • Justification: Cats are particularly clean animals, and a dirty bed can be off-putting. Ensuring the bed is clean and free from strong detergents or unfamiliar smells is crucial. Regular washing can help maintain the bed in an inviting state.

7. Overwhelming the Cat with Choices

  • Justification: Providing too many beds at once can overwhelm a cat, making it difficult for them to choose and settle in one spot. It’s better to focus on making one bed appealing rather than scattering multiple options which might dilute the attachment to any one bed.

By avoiding these common mistakes and understanding their justifications, you can make the introduction of a new bed a positive experience for your cat, ensuring it becomes a beloved resting place.

Expert Recommendations

When it comes to selecting the right cat bed, both veterinarians and pet behaviorists offer expert insights grounded in scientific understanding of cat health and behavior. Here’s a breakdown of their recommendations:

Veterinarian Advice:

  • Health-Specific Recommendations: Veterinarians are crucial in advising on cat bed because they can offer tailored recommendations based on the specific health conditions of a cat. For example:
    • Orthopedic Beds: For cats with arthritis or joint issues, orthopedic beds that provide good support and help in easing joint pain are recommended.
    • Hypoallergenic Materials: For cats with allergies, beds made from hypoallergenic materials can prevent reactions and skin irritation.
  • Thermal Regulation: Since maintaining a proper body temperature is more challenging for cats due to their small size, vets often recommend beds that help in retaining body heat. Cats prefer warmer places for sleep, which is an adaptation for energy conservation.
  • Ease of Cleaning: Vets also emphasize the importance of hygiene. They often recommend beds that are easy to clean to keep the sleeping environment free from parasites and pathogens, which is essential for maintaining the cat's overall health.

Pet Behaviorist Advice:

  • Security and Comfort: Behaviorists focus on the psychological well-being of cats and understand their need for a secure environment. They often suggest enclosed or semi-enclosed beds that mimic safe hideaways, which are important for reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Environmental Placement: The placement of the cat bed within the home is crucial. Behaviorists recommend placing beds in quiet, low-traffic areas where the cat can observe its surroundings without being disturbed. High perches are often suggested because they cater to a cat's instinct to monitor from a safe, elevated position.
  • Incorporating Familiarity: To make cats feel more at ease, behaviorists might recommend placing familiar items like toys or blankets in the bed, or even using pheromone diffusers nearby. These methods tap into the cat's sensory comfort and territorial instincts, encouraging them to accept and use the new bed.

By integrating these scientific principles, cat owners can better cater to their pet’s specific physical and behavioral needs, ensuring the cat bed is not just a place to sleep, but a personal space that supports their health and well-being. However, here are a few reputable sources where you can find information on this topic:


Throughout this guide, we've explored a variety of factors essential in choosing the right cat bed, focusing on both comfort and scientific principles. We've discussed the importance of considering the materials, size, shape, and placement of the bed to align with your cat’s natural behaviors and preferences. From understanding their need for warmth and security to considering the ease of cleaning and durability of materials, each element plays a vital role in enhancing your cat's well-being. Remember, the ultimate goal is to provide a safe, comfortable, and inviting space where your cat can relax and feel secure.

When it comes to providing the best for your feline friend, Michu AU stands out with its exceptional range of cat bed designed to cater to every cat’s needs. At Michu AU, we understand that a cat bed is more than just a sleeping place; it's a haven where your cat should feel perfectly at ease. Our beds are crafted with premium materials that ensure warmth and comfort, encouraging your cat to curl up and relax in their cozy new spot.

Michu AU cat bed come in various designs, from plush, soft beds ideal for cats that love to stretch out, to enclosed beds perfect for those who prefer a snug, secure space. Our focus on non-toxic, safe materials means you never have to worry about your pet’s health and safety. Plus, the easy-to-clean features of Michu AU beds make maintaining a hygienic sleeping environment a breeze. By choosing Michu AU, you’re not just getting a cat bed; you're investing in your cat's health, comfort, and happiness. Make the right choice with Michu AU and watch your beloved cat enjoy countless peaceful slumbers.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I get my cat to start using the new bed?

Introduce the bed gradually by placing it in your cat’s favorite sleeping spots. Sprinkle some catnip or place their favorite toys in the bed to make it more inviting.

2. What if my cat keeps avoiding the new bed?

Try relocating the bed to different areas of your home. Cats often avoid new beds due to unfamiliar scents or locations. Washing the bed with a familiar detergent or adding a piece of your clothing can help.

3. How do I clean my cat’s bed without damaging it?

Check the care label for washing instructions. Most beds have removable covers that can be machine washed. For beds without removable covers, spot cleaning with a pet-safe cleaner is recommended.

4. What should I do if my cat’s bed starts to smell?

Regularly clean the bed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Using baking soda can help absorb odors. Make sure the bed is completely dry before allowing your cat to use it again to prevent mold and mildew.

5. How can I stop my cat from chewing on the bed?

Ensure the bed is made from chew-resistant materials. Providing chew toys can divert your cat's attention. If chewing persists, consult a vet to rule out dental issues.

6. What if my cat prefers sleeping on furniture instead of the bed?

Try placing the cat bed on your furniture. Gradually move the bed to its intended location. Cats often prefer high-traffic areas or places with familiar scents, so moving the bed might help.

7. How do I prevent the bed from becoming a magnet for cat hair and dander?

Regularly vacuum and lint-roll the bed to remove hair and dander. Placing a blanket over the bed can also make cleaning easier, as you can wash the blanket frequently.